Monday, September 5, 2016

How did you choose your blogging platform?

When deciding on what blogging platform you would like to choose there are many things that you should consider. One of them being how easy is it to navigate and understand that website. Another thing you would want to consider is can you design and personalize your blog to make it more of your style and what you like. I chose to use Blogger because it seems easy to navigate and it was very easy to set up. I also liked that I could personalize my profile design. 
This is my first experience with blogging and my initial impression of it was that I was a little hesitant about it and I didn't really know what to expect. I wasn't sure what I was getting into or if I was going to enjoy it. I think blogging can be a good thing for those who have stories to tell or want to voice their opinions. I have never been one of those people but now is the time to start. 

I believe that this blog will be beneficial in a few ways. One of which I think it will help with writing skills because I will have the practice writing the blog but also getting feedback from others. Another benefit is that blogging is a way of communication and voicing your opinions about topics you feel strongly in and being creative with your work and the design of your profile. I think this experience with blogging will be very beneficial.

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