Monday, November 28, 2016

How Students Learn

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                                    How Students Learn
       When I was a student I learned best by doing hands on activities. I did not learn well by reading out of a book or hearing speeches/lectures from teachers because I found them boring and hard to focus on. By doing hands on activities I was engaged in what we were learning about so it was easy for me to concentrate on that topic.
I think this will affect me as a teacher by not giving so many speeches and assigning a lot of extra reading and when I do these things I will try to find a way to make them exciting or have an activity or something to do during to go along with it so I keep the students attention. I will have lots of hands on engaging activities for my students to keep them interested and excited to learn.
In a way I think that rewards are needed but not directly as a “you do this task and I will give you or you will earn this” type of reward. I think that humans need goals as motivation for themselves, but not so much rewards. If you set goals you have the personal motivation to do whatever it takes to accomplish them and the sense of accomplishment and success when you do so is your reward. In a way I see that as a big enough reward to motivate myself but everyone is different and some of my students in the future will think otherwise.

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